Can CBD Help With Endometriosis Pain?
- Endometriosis (EM), a condition where endometrial tissues grow outside the uterus, is often treated with painkillers. However, A study from Deutsche Ärzteblatt International mentioned that 70% of young women with EM are resistant to non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (1).
- An animal study from Pain mentioned that modulating the endocannabinoid system might reduce endometrium-induced hyperalgesia (excess sensitivity to pain) (2).
- A 2019 study found that cannabidiol (CBD) displayed the highest pain relief scores among women who self-managed their EM pain using alternative strategies (3).
- A study posted by Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management mentioned that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that might be useful for difficult-to-treat pain (4).
- Still, more studies are needed to confirm CBD’s efficacy in alleviating EM pain. Women with this condition must seek medical advice from a licensed physician before taking CBD.
Why Women Are Turning to CBD for Endometriosis Pain
Endometriosis (EM) is a condition caused by endometrial tissue growth outside of the uterus. This condition often causes severe menstrual pain and cramping.
Treatment options include hormone therapy, pain medication, or laparoscopic surgery. Hormone therapies, such as contraceptives (birth control), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH), and progestin therapy, may cause undesirable side effects.
For example, Gn-RH may cause artificial menopause (5). Contraceptives and progestin therapies may cause headaches and bloating (6).
Also, studies have debated the efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, on EM-associated pain (7).
A review published by Deutsche Ärzteblatt International mentioned that 70% of young women with EM do not respond to NSAID treatments (8).
These factors are why women with EM are turning to alternative options to improve quality of life.
The BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine posted a cross-sectional online survey that measured the efficacy of self-management strategies. The strategies women used for EM pain were exercising, yoga, diet changes, hot compress, and CBD oil.
The study found that CBD oil produced the highest pain relief scores among women who participated in the survey (9).
This anecdotal evidence from the survey may be explained by studies supporting CBD’s therapeutic benefits.
A study posted by Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management mentioned that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The author added that CBD was able to inhibit proinflammatory cytokines on animal subjects (10).
Cytokines are cell-signaling proteins that trigger systemic inflammation in the body (11).
This hypothesis was supported by an animal cross-study posted by Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Study results showed that CBD’s immunosuppressive action decreased cytokine production, resulting in reduced inflammation in knockout mice (12).
Although positive results have been observed from anecdotal and animal studies, more research is needed to determine CBD’s clinical value as an endometriosis treatment.
How CBD Oil Works to Help With Endometriosis Pain
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex system composed of endogenous cannabinoids and G-coupled receptors. The human body is filled with these receptors (13).
The endocannabinoid receptors, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid 2 (CB2), are present in the central nervous system, immune system, and peripheral organs. The ECS’s function is to promote and maintain body homeostasis (14).
Modulating the ECS has therapeutic benefits in several health problems, such as chronic pain (15), anxiety, insomnia (16), neurodegenerative diseases (17), and epilepsy (18).
CB1, the more abundant receptor, can be found in pain circuits. CB1 receptors also participate in producing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (19). Meanwhile, CB2 receptors are mostly expressed in the intestines and the immune system.
A 2017 study explained how cannabinoid receptor agonists might stimulate CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. This activity might be beneficial in treating EM pain and other chronic pain conditions (20).
Phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cannabigerol (CBG), have an affinity to CB1 receptors (21).
Several studies suggested CBD’s ECS modulation might inhibit proinflammatory cytokines (22).
It has also been observed that CBD might act as an agonist for endocannabinoid receptors, therefore modulating the ECS (23).
A study from Pain journal mentioned that CB1 could be found in rodent uterus. The authors added that CB1 receptors in the uterus are a potential target treatment to reduce endo-induced hyperalgesia (sensitivity to pain) (24).
The authors mentioned that studies in EM rat models provided evidence that endocannabinoids and cannabinoids could be useful in reducing endometriosis symptoms (25).
Although rats models have significant ECS differences with EM in human models, a study recognized that there might also be lateral aspects (26).
The Pros and Cons of CBD Oil for Endometriosis Pain
The Pros
- A study has acknowledged that CBD might influence receptors to suppress proinflammatory cytokine production (27).
- A study mentioned that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (28).
- A study found that CBD oil had the highest pain relief scores among women who self-managed their EM pain using alternative strategies (29).
- Studies acknowledged that CBD has an excellent safety profile and is well-tolerated (30).
The Cons
- There is a lack of clinical studies on how CBD may affect endometriosis pain in humans. Most existing studies are done on animal subjects.
- The CBD industry lacks regulation. Customers must thoroughly research before buying any CBD product.
- CBD may cause adverse effects, such as loss of appetite, dry mouth, diarrhea, and sleepiness (31).
- CBD may cause liver injury when used in extremely high doses (32).
How CBD Oil Compares to Alternative Treatments for Endometriosis Pain
There is no cure for EM. The main goals of therapies are pain management and improving quality of life (33).
There are several alternative medicines available for managing EM pain.
Xuefu Zhuyu decoction (XZD) is an herb used in treating EM pain in China. Clinical studies have shown that XZD has therapeutic benefits in relieving dysmenorrhea, promoting fertility, and shrinking ectopic lesions (34).
Another herb, Qu Yi Kang (QYK), has been shown to alleviate dysmenorrhea symptoms and reduce endometrial lesions (35).
Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) is a compound extracted from green tea leaves. ECG might enhance apoptosis and inhibit lesion growth in rat models (36).
Ginsenoside Rg3 is found in Panax plants. An animal study has shown that ginsenoside Rg3 reduced lesions in EM rat models (37).
These herbs are some of the several alternative medicines for treating EM pain. Mostly, these herbs are geared toward pain management.
These herbal medications like XZD, QYK, EGCG, and ginsenoside Rg3 have been clinically studied due to their popularity as EM treatments in China.
Studies have shown that CBD might also reduce pain and inflammation (38). Like ECGC, CBD might also enhance apoptosis and suppress cytokine production (39).
However, CBD’s efficacy on EM pain is not yet supported by clinical trials.
How to Choose the Best CBD Oil for Endometriosis Pain
Women with EM may opt for full-spectrum CBD or broad-spectrum CBD.
Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the cannabinoids found in the hemp plants, such as CBD, 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabinol (CBN).
Broad-spectrum CBD contains all the same cannabinoids except for THC.
Both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum create the “entourage effect.” This term is named after the cannabis synergy, wherein an individual takes in the supposed health benefits of all the cannabinoids in one dose.
The entourage effect has been demonstrated by an animal study published by Frontiers in Plant Science. The author mentioned that cannabis extracts with predominant CBD concentrations might deliver better analgesic results than pure THC or CBD (40).
Women who have an intolerance to other cannabinoids may opt for CBD isolate (90% pure CBD).
CBD Dosage for Endometriosis Pain
There is a lack of clinical studies on the appropriate CBD dosage for EM pain.
However, a study from the British Journal of Pharmacology recommended that individuals start with less than 1 to 5 mg per kilogram a day. This dose can gradually increase once the system gets used to taking CBD (41).
Another study also mentioned that pure CBD produced a dose-response curve. The author observed that a smaller dose was effective until the peak is reached. Afterwhich, additional dosings no longer induce any response (42).
This dose-response curve was demonstrated by a cross-study posted in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. The authors showed that 300mg pure CBD produced better results compared to 150mg and 600mg (43).
When taking CBD for EM pain, women must remember to be cautious. An extremely high CBD dose has been shown to cause liver damage (44).
How to Take CBD Oil for Endometriosis Pain
When taking CBD oil for EM pain, an individual may want quick pain relief. Therefore, the recommended administration is through inhalation of CBD vapors (45).
A study mentioned that the lungs are very efficient in absorbing cannabinoids. Plasma concentrations can be delivered into the bloodstream in 10 minutes or less (46).
However, vaping may also cause adverse effects, such as allergic reactions, shortness of breath, and chest pains (47).
Oral CBD deliveries are available in the form of capsules, softgels, and gummies. This method is recommended to be taken with or without a meal.
CBD tinctures may be taken through sublingual delivery. This method can be done by using an applicator to drop CBD tinctures under the tongue.
Compared to vaping, oral and sublingual delivery may take longer to be absorbed into the body, but these methods allow for optimal absorption (48).
Some CBD companies have designed CBD suppositories for painful periods. However, there are no studies on how CBD suppositories might help in relieving EM pain.
CBD isolate is often sold in powder form. Women may mix this in a carrier oil, like virgin coconut oil, olive oil, or hempseed oil. CBD crystalline isolate may be dissolved under the tongue.
Meanwhile, transdermal CBD is not recommended for EM pain.
What is Endometriosis?
The endometrium is a tissue lining inside the uterus. During each menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens and bleeds.
In some women, endometrial cells can be found outside the uterus, particularly in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvic lining.
During the monthly cycle, the endometrial tissues thicken and bleed, irritating the surrounding tissues and organs. The blood clot buildup eventually becomes scar tissue and causes organs to stick to each other.
Symptoms of endometriosis include (49):
- Severe menstrual cramps
- Dysmenorrhea
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Pain during urination and bowel movements.
- Lower back or abdominal pain
- Pain with intercourse
- Infertility
The exact cause of EM is unknown, but experts believe that EM can be caused by heredity, c-section and hysterectomy procedures, and immune system disorders.
Effective treatments are available, but the surgery produces the best result. Laparoscopic surgery can remove the lesions, adhesions, and scar tissue.
The laparoscopic procedure may also restore fertility. A study mentioned that the postoperative fertility rate was 43% (50).
However, the study also mentioned that the recurrence of EM after laparoscopic surgery is 20% after five years (51).
What is Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis?
Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (DIE) is when scar tissues caused by endometrial lesions have infiltrated 5 millimeters into the tissues of pelvic organs (52).
DIE is considered stages 3 and 4 of endometriosis. Stages 1 and 2 involve minimal lesions and superficial implants on surrounding organs, while stages 3 and 4 are when cysts are formed in the ovaries (53).
The late stages also mean that surrounding organs have deep implants and dense adhesions (54).
Treatments for DIE often involve surgery, NSAIDs, and hormonal therapies. DIE can lead to infertility and multiple cyst growths if left untreated (55).
How is CBD Oil Different from Medical Marijuana?
CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from Cannabis sativa plants. Manufacturers use an extraction method to produce a concentrated version without the psychoactive effects one may get from cannabis products or medical marijuana.
Depending on the cannabis strains used by the dispensary, medical marijuana can contain up to 17-28% THC (56). Federal law prohibits CBD oil from carrying more than 0.3% THC.
Hemp derivatives, such as CBD oil, hemp oil, and hemp seed oil, are legal in the United States.
Unlike medical cannabis or medical marijuana, CBD oil is legal in all 50 US states and territories. Medical and recreational cannabis use is only allowed in 11 US states.
Although CBD is legal, it remains highly unregulated. Some questionable CBD brands are not held accountable for falsely advertising their products as high-quality.
Customers can quickly identify legitimate CBD brands by checking the company’s transparency. High-quality CBD brands often post the certificate of analysis (COA) on their website.
The COA is a third-party lab result from ISO-certified laboratories. With the COA, consumers know exactly how much cannabinoids are contained in the product.
The COA also tests for heavy metals, fungicides, pesticides, and other contaminants. The COA ensures that the product is safe for use on humans or pets.
Animal studies have shown that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (57). These findings suggest that CBD might be useful in alleviating difficult-to-treat pain.
Also, CBD oil has reduced EM pain among women who tried self-management strategies (58).
Researchers also mentioned that studies in EM rat models provided evidence that modulating the ECS might reduce endometriosis symptoms (59).
More studies are needed to confirm CBD’s efficacy in alleviating EM pain. Therefore, women suffering from the condition must seek medical advice from a licensed physician before taking CBD.
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