Our Ethical Principles
We are committed to helping individual consumers realize the full benefits of CBD to improve their health and that of their families (including their dogs, cats, horses & other pets). We are also committed to helping individual consumers discover the best cbd oil for them.
To fulfill our commitment, the team at CBD Clinicals are dedicated to meeting the following goals:
- Providing CBD information that reflect high quality and ethical standards;
- Using published medical research and medical professionals to review content, where available, as a basis for the information presented on the site.;
- Not collect any personal health information from any individual or provide personal health advice. That is for your personal physician.; and
- Empowering consumers to distinguish quality CBD products that provide transparent testing of ingredients from those that do not.
Informed by these goals, we adopt the following ethical principles.
We believe that in living by these principles, we can improve the consumer’s experience with online CBD health related information and services. We have provided a glossary of terms with special meanings at the end of this document.
- Privacy Policies We adopt a privacy policy that is easy for consumers to find, read, and understand. Our privacy policies will —
- Provide users with reasonable notice of our information practices, including disclosure of —
- collection or use of any information about the user;
- collection or use of aggregate data; and
- what, if any, access to personal information collected on our website we provide to unrelated third parties.
- Provide consumers with a meaningful choice on our site to accept or decline our proposed collection and use of personal information provided by the consumer including, if any, consent to the transfer of information to third parties.
- Contain a positive commitment from us to use security procedures to protect personal information we collect from misuse.
- Provide, where appropriate, procedures for consumers to review and correct their personal information that we maintain, or to request that we delete the information, and include a description of the effect of any changes on other information about the user that we maintain.
- Provide users with reasonable notice of our information practices, including disclosure of —
- Enhanced Privacy Protection for Personal Information
- If we collect personal information, we will only use it for the purposes for which a reasonable consumer would expect us to use it or as agreed to by the consumer.
- We will not disclose personal information to an unrelated third party and/or for unrelated purposes without first obtaining the consent of the consumer (by means of an explicit “opt-in” procedure).
- When we make significant changes to our privacy policies that affect the use of the personal information we collect, we will give notice to our users. We will not make use of information we gathered from individuals prior to a significant change in policy without first obtaining their consent for any new uses. We may also make non-significant changes to our privacy policies that will not affect our use of a consumer’s personal information. We will post such changes on our site.
- Promotional Offers, Rebates, and Free Items or ServicesWe will comply with existing federal and state laws regarding any promotions, rebates, and free or discounted offers on our sites.
- Quality of Information Content
- We will focus our information on benefits demonstrated by research, compiling research from clinical trials, evidence based publications, anecdotal evidence, customer reviews and clinical studies.
- We will not accept advertising or sponsored health information content that we know either contains false or misleading claims or promotes ineffective or dangerous products.
- We will have an editorial policy that is easy for consumers to find, read, and understand. Our editorial policy will describe procedures we use for evaluating the quality of the health information content on our health web site, whether created by us or obtained from others.
- Authorship and Accountability & Qualifications
- We will disclose any cases where we have placed health information content on our site because of sponsorship or other support from a third party.
- Where we reproduce health information content created by third parties, we will clearly disclose the author and/or source of the material and the date of the material or its last update.
- Where we present information content as the result of clinical experience or scholarly research, we will clearly disclose the actual author(s) of the health information content.
- Where we medically review health information content, we will provide consumers general information about our medical reviewers and their qualifications, our editorial policy, and, if any, our expert review process.
- Where we create health information content, we will clearly disclose the date it was created or last updated.
- Exploration & Transparency of CBD Interactions based on published research
- We will do our best, based on available research to publish the risks, responsibilities, and reasonable expectations associated with the use of CBD under and for different situations. We will make sure that this information is easy for consumers to find, read, and understand.
- Limitations
- The content on our website is purely for informational purposes. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailment. It should not be interpreted as an instruction or medical advice to displace the advice provided by your physician or other medical professionals. We recommend consulting with your doctor or other qualified health professionals for the preparation of a treatment plan for any diseases or ailments. Do not solely rely on the information provided by CBD Clinicals.
- CBD Clinicals assumes no responsibility for any improper or incorrect use of the content presented on this website. This disclaimer of liability pertains to any damages or injury which you, the website user, may deem to be caused by the information on this website or by using this website.
- Mechanism for Consumer FeedbackWe will make it easy for consumers to provide us with feedback
For purposes of the Principles —
- AGGREGATE DATA means personal information or non-personal individual information collected from a group of users that has been processed so that it can no longer be used to identify a single, unique individual.
- CO-BRANDING refers to the joint branding of a web page or section of a consumer health web site between two or more corporate entities or individuals. Co-branding may involve the joint operation of services, health information content or products that appear on a consumer health web site.
- HEALTH INFORMATION CONTENT includes information to help consumers stay well, prevent and manage disease, and make decisions related to health and health care, including information for making decisions about health-related products and health services. It may be in the form of data, text, graphics, audio or video, and may involve special software or hardware and programming enhancements that support interactivity. Health information content includes both materials authored by third parties (whether scholarly works by scientists and clinicians or interpretive articles prepared for consumers), as well as materials created specifically for use on a health web site.
- HEALTH-RELATED PERSONAL INFORMATION refers to personal information that is associated with health issues, categories, questions, and facts obtained as a result of the individual’s responses and activities on a health web site.
- INTERNET HEALTH SERVICES means the full range of services and activities available on a consumer health web site. Examples include the sale of health care products, delivery of health care services and health information, specialized health information searches, self-assessment tools and activities, bulletin boards, chat rooms with and without participation by health professionals, and opportunities for relationships and communication with health care professionals and health plans.
- NON-PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION does not include any information that would meet the definition of personal information (below), but may include information about a specific individual’s characteristics, preferences, interests, experiences, and activities disclosed by the individual to the health web site or obtained through the individual’s use of the health web site.
- OPERATE refers to the degree of control a corporation or individual has over the operations of a consumer health web site. A corporation or individual operates a consumer health web site if the corporation or individual is primarily responsible for the material that appears on the site, including, but not limited to, advertising, health information content, services and products.
- OPT-IN means an affirmative ability for a consumer to accept terms and conditions.
- PERSONAL INFORMATION means any individually identifiable information about an individual collected online, including a first and last name, a home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town, an E-mail address, a telephone number, a Social Security number, or any other identifier that may permit the physical or online contacting of a specific individual.
- SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLS refers to online forms that allow an individual to supply personal information and health-related information that cause interactive software programming using medical knowledge to reach conclusions that may be relevant to optimizing health care decisions or possible health outcomes.
- UNRELATED THIRD PARTY refers to a corporate entity or individual who acts on its own behalf and in its own interest and to carry out a purpose other than that for which the individual accessed the consumer health web site.
Press Info
What are the CBDClinicals principles?
The document is entitled ‘CBDClinicals: Ethical Principles for Offering Internet Services to Consumers.” These principles set high standards for consumer protection, including privacy, security, quality of information, fairness of transactions and professional conduct. CBDClinicals members have launched an initiative to develop version 2 of the CBDClinicals principles.
Why was CBDClinicals formed?
CBDClinicals was formed to provide best in class content for CBD and to address content quality issues for CBD informational sites. It aims to create the most up to date, and reliable CBD content on the web. CBDClinicals have set standards to help offer quality information services and to help consumers use CBD to its greatest potential.
What will the CBDClinicals principles accomplish?
By adhering to the principles, CBDClinicals companies can help consumers access and identify health Internet information and services that are reliable, safe and trustworthy. CBDClinicals members will provide online health services that reflect high quality and ethical standards.
Why develop industry standards now instead of waiting for government regulation?
Adopting responsible, ethical practices is in the best interest of the industry, as it stands to benefit from greater consumer trust. CBDClinicals members can swiftly adopt industry standards and bring their benefits to consumers in a shorter time frame than government regulations. These industry standards have been developed by health Internet experts who have the power to implement them. This allows the industry itself to find innovative solutions that encourage business growth while at the same time helping consumers to achieve the fullest potential of the Internet.
Is CBDClinicals opposed to government regulation?
No. We are in favor of the most ethical provision of health services over the Internet. We share a common goal with government policy makers, and that is to provide consumers with a secure and trustworthy health Internet environment.
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