Do you want to try CBD to help settle your fur baby’s nerves before a dog show? CBD Clinicals has collated some of the best CBD oil products for dog shows.

How CBD May Help Canines During Dog Shows

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the diverse cannabinoids present in cannabis plants. It is also a cannabis constituent of significant therapeutic interest in veterinary medicine(1).

Jerry Klein, the head veterinary officer of the AKC (American Kennel Club), said that CBD is used in dogs for several factors, including CBD’s anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory potential(2).

Aside from CBD’s purported health benefits, this non-psychoactive compound appears to counteract the adverse effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) when administered concurrently(3).

THC is the principal psychoactive compound of cannabis (sometimes called marijuana).

CBD and THC are phytocannabinoids (plant-based cannabinoids) that may interact with the ECS (endocannabinoid system) by mimicking the actions of endogenous ligands(4).

Endogenous ligands or endocannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical substances that bind to cannabinoid receptors to elicit a biological response(5).

The ECS, responsible for maintaining the body’s homeostasis or balance, is pervasive in mammals like dogs. One of the three components of the ECS are the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2).

The cannabinoid receptors are also present throughout a dog’s body(6). For instance, CB1 receptors in the brain reflect a canine’s control of cognition, motor function, memory, and loss of pain perception(7).

Meanwhile, CB2 receptors in the immune system modulate a healthy response to inflammation by up-regulating multiple anti-inflammatory pathways(8).

CBD’s activity in the ECS and purported therapeutic effects may explain how the compound may help your pet during dog shows.

A dog show is not only a beauty contest. It refers to an event where dogs are evaluated for breeding programs(9).

Aside from having a grooming regimen, training classes are also necessary for dogs to do exactly what is expected from them in the ring(10).

However, accidents may happen during training.

For instance, dogs that fall from heights may suffer abdominal injuries, head traumas, and sprains(11). Hence, make sure to observe your furry friend, as some dogs experience pain when rising or lying down after a fall.

Although there is no definitive scientific data on using cannabidiol to treat dogs, anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD may help with neuropathic pain(12), a chronic pain syndrome caused by nerve damage.

On the other hand, about 14% of dogs may also experience separation anxiety(13). If your dog is not accustomed to being left alone, it will start barking and displaying other distress behaviors within a short time(14).

Hence, a professional dog trainer may introduce counterconditioning, a technique that aims to change a dog’s response to the stimuli responsible for its anxiety(15).

Meanwhile, CBD may have calming effects(16), making it potentially beneficial to anxious dogs.

Registering your furry friend in a dog show requires a lot of preparation. If you are considering giving your pet CBD oil before the event, make sure to initiate a conversation with your veterinarian first(17).

Benefits of Using CBD for Dog Shows

Anxiety affects dogs. The Merck Veterinary Manual indicated that the most common causes of anxiety are aging, separation, and fear(18).

Fear-related anxiety can be prompted by loud noises, strangers, other animals, new environments, specific situations, or visual stimuli(19), such as bright lights.

Dog anxiety and noise aversion are the most common reasons pet owners seek information about CBD and the various ways to administer it to their pets(20).

A study reported that 49.3% of dog owners who used hemp-derived products to help with canine anxiety observed a positive impact on their pets(21).

Meanwhile, the impact of CBD treats on a dog’s reaction to a noise-induced fear response test showed that CBD did not have an anti-anxiety effect in canines supplemented with 1.4mg of CBD per kilogram of the dog’s body weight(22).

Hence, the authors of the study suggested increasing CBD doses to determine any potential anxiolytic effect in canines.

Although anecdotal evidence suggesting the benefits of CBD oil and other hemp-derived products seem promising, scientific data is warranted to substantiate claims regarding CBD’s effect in dogs.

The Different Ways to Give CBD Oil to Your Dog

Pet owners can find various quality products on the market if they know what to look for. Here are a few methods on how to give CBD oil to your dog:

CBD Oil or Tinctures 

Oil tinctures typically come with a calibrated dropper. Using the tool allows accurate dosing.

Administering CBD oil under a pet’s tongue, against their cheeks, or directly in the mouth lets CBD be absorbed quickly through mucous membranes(23).

However, some dogs may not like the earthy flavor of cannabidiol. If that is the case, you can mix the oil in human-grade dog food.

CBD Dog Treats 

Dog chews and treats are easy to administer because they are usually tasty and come in flavors like peanut butter. However, there are also unflavored chews on the market.

CBD Topicals

You can apply CBD oil to your dog topically if it has skin allergies or back pain. The cannabinoid receptors in the skin and hair follicles may provide relief(24).

How Much CBD Oil Do I Give My Dog?

Despite the interest in CBD’s potential health benefits, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not approved cannabis products and their derivatives for any use in animals(25).

Hence, there is no standard CBD dosage for dogs. However, the studies below may elucidate how an appropriate amount of CBD may help your canine companion.

A 2018 study from Frontiers in Veterinary Science examined CBD’s pharmacokinetics, safety, and clinical efficacy in canine osteoarthritis(26), a condition that causes joint pain.

In the study, the researchers suggested that 2 mg of CBD-enriched oil per kilogram of the dog’s body weight, when administered twice daily, may help increase comfort and activity in osteoarthritic dogs(27).

Meanwhile, doses between 0.1 and 0.5 mg of CBD per kilogram of the dog’s body weight when administered twice daily may also be effective in dogs(28). This dosage guideline has been derived from a combination of veterinary experience and research data.

Since recommendations vary per pet and their condition, make sure to talk with a veterinarian before administering CBD to your dog.

The state veterinary medical board mandates veterinarians in the United States on how much they are allowed to guide their clients regarding CBD product usage(29).

How Long Does CBD Take to Help Canines Prepare for Dog Shows?

How long CBD takes to help dogs depends on the delivery method you choose, your dog’s weight, and the CBD product’s potency.

A study reported that oil-based products between 2 and 10mg of CBD per kilogram of the dog’s body weight had average maximal serum concentrations reaching about 100 to 600 nanograms per milliliter within 2 hours of treatment in dogs(30).

Still, more research is necessary to elucidate how long CBD takes to help canines get ready during dog shows.

How Long Will CBD Help Canines Prepare for Dog Shows?

How long CBD’s effects will last usually depends on the compound’s pharmacokinetics, including its half-life.

Pharmacokinetics includes the time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.

Meanwhile, half-life is the time required for a drug’s concentration to be reduced by 50% of its starting dose.

A 2019 study from the journal Animals mentioned that oil-based CBD products with 2 to 10mg of CBD administered to dogs had approximately 4 hours of half-elimination rates(31).

How to Choose the Best CBD Oil for Dogs

Most CBD companies like Paw CBD, HolistaPet, Medterra, CBDfx, and Honest Paws, are dedicated to offering their customers high-quality CBD oil and CBD-derived pet products.

Some CBD brands even offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if their products do not deliver as promised.

Still, dog owners may find it challenging to choose the best CBD products for their furry friend’s overall wellness.

If you want to try cannabidiol for your canine companion, here is a guide to help you select the best CBD oil for dogs during dog shows:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the different hemp extracts.

Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the compounds naturally present in the cannabis plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Full-spectrum hemp also has less than 0.3% THC by dry weight.

Terpenes are compounds found in the essential oils derived from many plants, including cannabis. These compounds provide a distinct flavor and aroma to plants(32).

Meanwhile, flavonoids are active compounds with potential antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties(33).

Another CBD variant is broad-spectrum CBD oil. Like full-spectrum CBD oil, it also contains all the natural compounds found in the cannabis plant except that it is THC-free. Lastly, CBD isolates are made of pure CBD.

  1. Support CBD brands that are transparent with their farming practices and extraction methods

Most CBD brands cultivate hemp plants from their farms. Before purchasing any CBD item, visit the official webpage of the CBD brand and look for more information about its grown hemp, testing methods, and CBD extraction process.

Generally, CO2 extraction (carbon dioxide extraction) is considered the cleanest method(34).

  1. Assess the ingredients of the CBD pet products.

Some chews may contain additives or preservatives that may be unsafe for your canine companion.

Hence, opt for treats made with natural ingredients. Choose gluten-free, non-GMO hemp, or organic hemp (organic CBD products) to help with your dog’s health and improve its well-being.

Carrier oils are also present in oil-based CBD products. The most frequently used carrier oils are MCT oil (medium-chain triglyceride oil), coconut oil, and hempseed oil.

Although hempseed oil does not contain CBD, it is rich in nutrients and fatty acids(35).

  1. Ensure that the CBD products you purchase go through third-party lab testing.

Verify if the third-party tested CBD products are labeled accordingly. Make sure the items are free from residual solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

Additionally, lab results and COAs (certificates of analysis) must be readily accessible to consumers for transparency.

Risks and Side Effects of Using CBD for Dog Shows

No scientific data exists on CBD’s risks and side effects in dogs. Still, there are potential side effects based on how the non-psychoactive compound affects humans, including(36):

  • Dry mouth
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Drowsiness

Legality of CBD

Several states in the USA have passed legislation allowing medical marijuana use in humans under strict guidelines. Still, state laws legalizing cannabis use in people do not apply to animals(37).

For instance, Colorado expanded its state laws in 2012 by decriminalizing the adult use of recreational cannabis(38). However, it is not clear whether the state allows the use of CBD for pets.


  1. How can CBD help your pet prepare for a dog show?

CBD may have calming effects(39), making it potentially beneficial to anxious dogs during dog shows.

  1. What evidence or research exists to say that CBD can help canines prepare for dog shows?

No direct evidence exists to say that CBD can help canines get ready for dog shows. However, since accidents may happen while your furry friend is training for the event, CBD’s purported pain-relieving effects(40) may help your pet get back on track.

A study from Pain Management in Veterinary Clinical Practice featured dogs administered with oral transmucosal CBD and an anti-inflammatory drug. The animal subjects showed an improved canine brief pain inventory (BPI) score(41).

Canine BPI score allows dog owners to measure their pet’s pain.

  1. Is there any evidence that CBD may hinder canines from performing excellently during dog shows?

No evidence suggests that CBD will not help prepare your pet for its upcoming dog shows. However, taking CBD at high doses may cause dogs to feel slightly drowsy(42).

  1. Will CBD interact with any current medication my dog is taking in preparation for dog shows?

Your dog may be taking trazodone, an antidepressant medication, to relieve anxiety(43) before the event. However, a study suggests that CBD may attenuate the effects of trazodone on plasma cortisol(44). Such an interaction suggests a drug interaction.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that helps the body respond to stress.

  1. Are there other treatments I should consider alongside CBD to help my dog for dog shows?

Chamomile is a herbal supplement used as a mild sedative to help with anxiety in canines(45). This supplement may help your dog calm down during a dog show.

However, make sure to initiate a conversation with your veterinarian if you are considering using CBD along with other treatments.

  1. What CBD dosage may help canines while training for dog shows?

Doses between 0.1 and 0.5 mg of CBD per kg of the dog’s body weight, when taken twice daily, may help dogs(46). Still, it is best to consult a veterinarian before administering CBD to your pets.

Although some veterinarians in the U.S. may not be legally allowed to recommend, dispense, or even discuss CBD products with their patients, clients like you may initiate an open dialogue with them(47).

  1. Is CBD psychoactive?

CBD is non-psychoactive(48). Therefore, it will not cause a euphoric effect.

  1. Is CBD oil safe for dogs?

A 2019 study suggested that CBD may be relatively safe in healthy populations of cats and dogs(49).

  1. Are there any side effects of CBD in dogs?

Dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness are common side effects of CBD in dogs(50).

  1. Do vets recommend CBD oil for dogs?

State laws may limit how veterinarians can discuss CBD oil with their clients(51).

However, in Nevada, licensed veterinarians can recommend and administer hemp and CBD products to pets, provided that these products contain less than 0.3% THC(52). They may even prescribe the most effective CBD oil for your dog.

  1. How long will CBD oil take before its effects are observed in dogs?

How long is required for CBD oil to take effect in dogs depends on several factors, including the administration route chosen.

A study reported that oil-based products with 2 to 10mg of CBD per kilogram of the dog’s weight had average maximal serum concentrations reaching about 100 to 600 nanograms per milliliter within 2 hours of treatment in dogs(53).

  1. Is it legal to buy CBD oil for dogs?

Rules and regulations regarding CBD vary. Hence, you must learn about your state’s stand regarding the use of CBD oil in pets to determine whether buying CBD oil for dogs is legal.

  1. Cannabis in Veterinary Medicine, page 30.
  2. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  3. The Endocannabinoid System of Animals
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Healing With CBD, page 179.
  7. Cannabis in Veterinary Medicine, page 9.
  8. The Endocannabinoid System of Animals
  9. How Does a Dog Win a Dog Show?
  10. How Do I Get Started in Dog Shows?
  11. First Aid for Falls in Dogs
  12. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  13. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  14. Separation Anxiety
  15. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  16. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  17. How to Talk to Your Veterinarian About CBD Oil for Dogs
  18. Behavioral Problems of Dogs
  19. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  20. US Veterinarians’ Knowledge, Experience, and Perception Regarding the Use of Cannabidiol for Canine Medical Conditions
  21. Consumers’ Perceptions Of Hemp Products For Animals, Page 44.
  22. The Impact of Feeding Cannabidiol (CBD) Containing Treats on Canine Response to a Noise-Induced Fear Response Test
  23. Hemp Oil for Pets: Everything You Need to Know
  24. CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis, page 309.
  25. FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD)
  26. Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs
  27. Ibid.
  28. CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis, page 319.
  29. Hemp Oil for Pets: Everything You Need to Know
  30. Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Safety Assessment with Use of CBD-Rich Hemp Nutraceutical in Healthy Dogs and Cats
  31. Ibid.
  32. Healing With CBD, page 286.
  33. Healing With CBD, page 282.
  34. Healing With CBD, page 183.
  35. Hemp Seed Oil Properties
  36. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  37. Cannabis Use and Pets
  38. Legal Marijuana Use in Colorado
  39. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  40. Oral Transmucosal Cannabidiol Oil Formulation as Part of a Multimodal Analgesic Regimen: Effects on Pain Relief and Quality of Life Improvement in Dogs Affected by Spontaneous Osteoarthritis
  41. Ibid.
  42. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  43. Trazodone
  44. The Impact of Feeding Cannabidiol (CBD) Containing Treats on Canine Response to a Noise-Induced Fear Response Test
  45. Chamomile
  46. CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis, page 319.
  47. Hemp Oil for Pets: Everything You Need to Know
  48. FAQs about CBD Use in Pets
  49. Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Safety Assessment with Use of CBD-Rich Hemp Nutraceutical in Healthy Dogs and Cats
  50. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  51. How to Talk to Your Veterinarian About CBD Oil for Dogs
  52. Nevada Veterinarians Can Treat Patients With Certain Cannabis Products
  53. Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Safety Assessment with Use of CBD-Rich Hemp Nutraceutical in Healthy Dogs and Cats
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