• Anxiety in dogs may be caused by several factors like fear, separation, and aging. Some symptoms include excessive barking, aggression, drooling, and destructive behavior(1).
  • CBD is purported to have anti-anxiety effects that may help manage anxiety among dogs(2). One study mentioned that CBD may help reduce aggressive behavior in dogs(3).
  • Current scientific data is insufficient to conclude that CBD is effective in alleviating anxiety in dogs. Additional research is required, and pet owners are advised to consult a veterinarian for their pet’s condition.

Does CBD Work for Anxiety in Dogs?

Some dog owners report using cannabidiol or CBD for pet care for its antianxiety effects(4). However, there are currently no formal studies regarding CBD’s effectiveness in alleviating dog anxiety.

More research is needed to conclusively determine how the use of CBD provides dogs with anxiety relief.

A 2021 study was conducted on the effects of CBD on aggressive behavior among shelter dogs(5). The researchers mentioned that CBD may help reduce dogs’ aggressive behavior toward humans.

Aggression is one of the behaviors among dogs that can be associated with anxiety(6).

Pet owners considering CBD to help manage their dogs’ anxiety should initiate a conversation with a veterinarian first. The vet can discuss potential treatments and help owners determine whether CBD may help their anxious pets.

What Is CBD Oil?

The cannabis plant consists of several compounds purported to provide several health benefits. One of these compounds is CBD.

Many CBD products are derived from the hemp plant(7), a variety of cannabis closely related to marijuana.

CBD oil usually contains little or no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound derived from marijuana associated with psychoactive effects(8).

How CBD Oil Works to Help With Dog Anxiety

Cannabinoids, such as CBD and THC, may help manage anxiety in dogs by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is found in the pet’s peripheral and central nervous systems and helps maintain a dog’s health by regulating the body’s homeostasis or balance.

A 2016 article in the Canadian Veterinary Journal mentioned that dogs may have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains than humans(9).

The report also suggests that dogs may be more susceptible to the toxic effects of cannabis, particularly marijuana, than humans.

CBD Oil for Dogs: What People Need to Know

To date, there is insufficient scientific data to conclude that pet CBD may be used to treat anxiety or various illnesses in dogs. 

However, research is ongoing to determine the efficacy of CBD in treating specific diseases in dogs, such as canine epilepsy(10).

What Makes a High-Quality CBD Oil?

Not all CBD pet products are made the same. To determine the highest quality and best CBD oil for dogs, pet owners who decide to use CBD after veterinarian consultation should keep the following things in mind(11):

  • Consider organic CBD products. Organic hemp extract is produced without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or preservatives.

States in the United States that supply organic hemp include farms in Colorado, Kentucky, and California.

If the CBD product is not produced from organically grown hemp, consider purchasing one that does not contain pesticides, solvents, or fungicides.

Pet owners may also consider purchasing non-GMO and gluten-free CBD products and CBD dog treats.

  • Decisions should not be based on price only. Top-quality CBD products with a high degree of purity usually cost higher.

Lower-priced products are likely produced using low-cost methods and contain pesticides, heavy metals, or other unwanted additives.

  • Purchase products with a certificate of analysis. CBD manufacturers should provide a certificate of analysis (COA) showing third-party lab test results to validate the CBD content in the product.

Third-party labs analyze CBD products and provide COAs to ensure unbiased results. COAs also ensure the CBD products tested contain little to no THC.

  • Consider purchasing CBD in liquid form. Pet owners may purchase edibles such as CBD treats or soft chews for their pets.

However, CBD oils or tinctures are recommended because owners can adjust the dose using a dropper.

CBD oils usually contain a carrier oil, such as hempseed oil or medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. 

Hempseed oil is extracted from hemp seeds, while MCT oil is a derivative of coconut oil. 

Carriers help dilute CBD oil to make it easier to ingest and be absorbed by the body.

  • Consider broad-spectrum CBD products for dogs. Full-spectrum CBD oil (or full-spectrum hemp oil) usually contains less than 0.3% THC. However, THC may be toxic to dogs(12).

To minimize or prevent intoxication caused by THC ingestion, pet owners should consider broad-spectrum CBD products for their dogs.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains most of the compounds found in full-spectrum products, such as terpenes and flavonoids, without the THC content.

Terpenes are plant compounds that provide an aromatic scent. Flavonoids are phytonutrients (plant chemicals) that provide antioxidant effects.

Benefits of Giving CBD Oil to Dogs

Despite the insufficient scientific data, some dog owners believe that CBD may help alleviate pain and control dog seizures(13).

Aside from its potential antianxiety effects, other purported benefits of CBD include anti-inflammatory properties, anti-nausea effects, cardiac benefits, appetite stimulation, and possible anti-cancer effects(14).

What Is the Dose of CBD Oil for Dogs?

To date, there are no formally established CBD dosage guides for anxiety or any particular illness in dogs.

Meanwhile, a study in Frontiers in Veterinary Science published in 2020 mentioned that dogs may tolerate escalating doses well(15).

The study reported that CBD may have a safety profile of 10 escalating doses containing 18.3 milligrams (mg) to 640.5 mg of CBD per dose.

The study also mentioned that CBD-predominant formulations are safer and better tolerated in dogs than formulations with higher THC content.

Pet owners are strongly advised to initiate a conversation with a veterinarian before administering or determining a dose for CBD. 

To minimize the risks of side effects, dog owners should start with lower doses and observe the effects.

How to Give CBD Oil to Dogs

Some CBD products may be applied topically on dogs, especially when they have certain skin conditions.

Another standard method to administer CBD oil for anxious dogs is to use a dropper. This way, the CBD oil can be given either sublingually (under the tongue) or mixed into dog food.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs?

There is currently insufficient research data on the safety of CBD oil for dogs.

However, one study warned about giving high doses of CBD, which may cause cannabis intoxication in pets(16). Dog owners are advised to avoid giving dogs CBD products containing high amounts of THC.

Other side effects of cannabis intoxication include hyperactivity, disorientation, pupil dilation, excessive drooling or vomiting, urinary incontinence, and seizures(17).

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration or FDA has not provided a standard dosage guide for pets. Thus, there is currently no established safe dosage for dogs.

Any supplement or medication has some risk of adverse reaction or side effects. Pet owners should consult with a veterinarian before deciding to use CBD products on their pets for anxiety issues.

Possible Side Effects of CBD in Dogs

CBD does not appear to significantly affect animal behavior unless the animals are administered high doses of CBD(18).

While CBD has several recognized adverse effects on humans, there is currently not enough scientific data regarding the side effects of CBD on dogs. 

However, the following side effects were observed in dogs taking CBD(19):

  • Dry mouth – CBD may decrease saliva production and cause dogs to become more thirsty.
  • Drowsiness – CBD’s purported antianxiety properties may create a calming effect in dogs. When taken in higher doses, CBD may cause dogs to experience slight drowsiness.
  • Low blood pressure – Ingesting a high amount of CBD may cause a temporary drop in the dog’s blood pressure, making them feel lightheaded for a brief period.

Types of Dog Anxiety and What Causes Them

Anxious dogs may manifest various symptoms, including excessive barking, aggression, urinating or defecating, drooling, and destructive behavior(20).

The Merck Veterinary Manual mentions several causes for anxiety in dogs(21). Some of these causes include fear, separation, and aging(22).

Fear Anxiety

Fear anxiety in dogs may be caused by the following(23):

  • Loud noises like gunshots or thunderstorms
  • Unfamiliar people or animals
  • Visual stimuli like hats or umbrellas
  • New environments like the park or backyard
  • Specific situations like car rides or visiting a veterinarian clinic
  • A combination of any of these situations

Some dogs may have a brief or short-term reaction to these situations, while the more anxious dogs may be affected more prominently(24).

Separation Anxiety

Dogs separated from their owners or family members may be unable to find comfort when left alone. This situation may lead to separation anxiety. About 14% of dogs experience this type of anxiety(25).

This situation may lead to various undesirable behaviors, such as barking, damaging or destroying household items and furniture, or defecating in the house(26).

Aging Anxiety

Older dogs may experience age-related anxiety, especially those with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS).

CDS is a decline in cognitive functions like perception, memory, learning, and awareness. Dogs with CDS experience similar effects as early-stage Alzheimer’s disease in humans, including confusion and anxiety among older dogs(27).

FAQs About CBD for Dogs

  • Will CBD mentally affect dogs?

To date, there are no studies directly focused on the effects of CBD on a dog’s mental state.

However, one study mentioned that CBD may help reduce aggressive behavior in shelter dogs(28). Aggressive behavior may be related to canine stress that affects a dog’s mental, physiological, or emotional state.

  • Will CBD oil make dogs high?

CBD is a cannabis component that does not have the psychoactive effects of THC(29). CBD is unlikely to make a dog high, provided the product contains less than 0.03% THC or none at all.

  • Is hemp oil different from CBD?

Hemp oil is extracted from the different parts of the hemp plant. For this reason, hemp oil is sometimes referred to as hempseed oil, which comes only from hemp seeds.

Similar to hemp oil, CBD oil  is extracted from the hemp plant’s leaves, flowers, and stalk. 

Hempseed oil usually does not contain CBD. However, hempseed oil may be used as a carrier oil to dilute CBD oil.

  • Can dogs take CBD along with other medications?

However, CBD may interfere with the effects of other medications by inhibiting the cytochrome P450 enzyme within the canine’s body(30). The activity may prevent the medications from being metabolized or absorbed into the body.

Pet owners should consult their veterinarian about their dog’s condition and medication before purchasing CBD products for their pet.

  1. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  2. Ibid.
  3. Cannabis sativa L. may reduce aggressive behaviour towards humans in shelter dogs
  4. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  5. Cannabis sativa L. may reduce aggressive behaviour towards humans in shelter dogs
  6. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  7. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  8. Ibid.
  9. Marijuana for pets?
  10. Efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD) for the Treatment of Canine Epilepsy
  11. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  12. Cannabis (Marijuana) Intoxication in Cats and Dogs
  13. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  14. Ibid.
  15. Preliminary Investigation of the Safety of Escalating Cannabinoid Doses in Healthy Dogs
  16. Cannabis (Marijuana) Intoxication in Cats and Dogs
  17. Ibid.
  18. CANNABIDIOL (CBD)Pre-Review ReportAgenda Item 5.2
  19. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  20. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  21. Behavioral Problems of Dogs
  22. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  23. Behavioral Problems of Dogs
  24. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  25. Behavioral Problems of Dogs
  26. Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Dog Anxiety
  27. Ibid.
  28. Cannabis sativa L. may reduce aggressive behaviour towards humans in shelter dogs
  29. CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
  30. FAQs about CBD Use in Pets
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