• CBD (cannabidiol) strips are CBD products that appear like regular breath strips but contain CBD extracts.
  • Research has stated that CBD may possess therapeutic benefits, such as analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help different types of pain like chronic pain(1)
  • Studies have also hypothesized that CBD may reduce pain associated with health diseases like migraines, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer(2).
  • There is no conclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of CBD strips for pain. However, CBD’s purported therapeutic effects may potentially help with pain management. 

What Are CBD Strips?

According to various CBD brand websites, CBD strips may look similar to typical breath strips. These two products consist of tiny squares of edible “paper” infused with multiple ingredients. 

Breath strips are typically infused with eucalyptus, menthol, and other ingredients that may make individuals’ breath smell pleasant. Meanwhile, CBD strips are infused with CBD. 

Regardless of the ingredients inside the strip, the “paper” is water-soluble. This solubility means that the product will immediately dissolve when it touches water or the saliva in an individual’s mouth.  

Uses and Benefits of CBD Strips

CBD strips are a type of CBD product that contains cannabidiol. 

Research has suggested that CBD may possess anti-pain (analgesic) and anti-inflammatory properties that may help with pain, such as chronic pain(3)

CBD is an active component of marijuana or cannabis plants. Despite CBD being a crucial element of medical marijuana, the compound is primarily procured from hemp plants, a relative of marijuana(4)

CBD works with the ECS or the endocannabinoid system(5). The system is found in different parts of the and is in charge of regulating most of the body’s natural functions(6).  

Furthermore, the ECS consists of cannabinoid receptors, mainly CB1 and CB2, found in the various cells throughout the body(7)

CB1 receptors are in charge of modulating pain sensations, while CB2 activates a response that deals with inflammation(8)

CBD possesses a low binding affinity with CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, the compound may antagonize the receptors in the presence of THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol)(9)

THC is the psychoactive component in marijuana(10). This compound causes individuals to feel high. 

On the other hand, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound(11). Studies have hypothesized that CBD may decrease the potency and efficacy of THC and regulates the perception of pain(12)

Due to CBD strips containing cannabidiol that regulates pain perception, CBD may aid with pain. 

A randomized controlled trial in 2020 determined the effects of topical CBD in relieving peripheral neuropathy in humans(13).

Damaged or deteriorated nerves outside the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) cause peripheral neuropathy. These deteriorated nerves may cause weakness, numbness, and painful hands and feet(14).

The trial results indicated that transdermally applied CBD oil may decrease pain and other disturbing sensations associated with peripheral neuropathy.

Furthermore, studies suggest that CBD may manage chronic pain without inducing detrimental side effects(15).

CBD may also decrease pain linked to the following health conditions(16):

  • Migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammation
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer

Lastly, a study examined the effects of CBD topical products applied to the skin of individuals suffering from epidermolysis bullosa(17).

The study stated that CBD may have promoted faster wound healing and decreased pain and the formation of blisters.

Epidermolysis bullosa is an uncommon skin condition that induces painful, blistering, and fragile skin. 

Currently, there are no definitive clinical studies on the efficacy of CBD strips for pain. 

However, CBD’s purported therapeutic benefits may help with pain management.  

How to Use CBD Strips for Pain

Various CBD websites stated that CBD strips are administered sublingually or under the tongue.

Individuals should place the CBD strip under their tongue and allow the product to dissolve. As soon as the strip melts, the compound is absorbed directly into the user’s body via the sublingual artery, which is a quick way to feel the benefits of CBD. 

If individuals prefer a longer-lasting effect, they may place the CBD strip on the side of their cheeks. 

How Microencapsulation Makes CBD Strips Possible

Microencapsulation is defined as the process in which a substance is put into a tiny capsule(18)

According to the CBD brands that market CBD strips, the CBD extracts are put inside the microcapsules and suspended in a liquid. The microcapsules are left behind on the dissolvable strip when the liquid evaporates.

This method was previously used for cosmetic products. However, microencapsulation may also be used to transport and administer various therapeutic medicine for different illnesses(19)

CBD Strips vs. Other Types of Delivery Methods

CBD strips are products made from dissolvable, edible, paper-like substances. These strips are infused with CBD, which users may put under the tongue for the body to absorb the compound.  

CBD oil tinctures are CBD products that may also be administered sublingually by using a dropper or an oromucosal spray.

When CBD oil is taken using the sublingual method, the compound will circumvent the gastrointestinal tract and directly enter the bloodstream(20).

CBD extracts are infused into carrier oils like olive oil, coconut oil, MCT (medium-chain triglycerides), and hemp oil to create CBD tinctures(21)

On the other hand, in CBD edibles such as gummies, supplements, and capsules, the compound passes through the gastrointestinal tract first before it enters the bloodstream(22)

Ingestible CBD products offer users a long duration of effects, which may last all day or night. 

Moreover, consuming CBD is a helpful method for individuals suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) due to the compound going to the place it is needed the most(23)

Individuals may also directly apply CBD topical products like creams, lotions, and balms to the affected area of the skin for localized pain relief(24).

Topically administered cannabinoids, such as CBD, do not enter the bloodstream. Instead, the CB2 receptors in the skin pick up and absorb the cannabinoids to help manage pain and inflammation(25).

Inhaling or vaping CBD oil administers the compound through the permeable lungs to the bloodstream. 

Vaping offers the quickest method for getting CBD into the system(26).

However, users should be cautious when vaping or smoking due to its association with various potential health issues like lung irritation or lung disease(27).

  1. A Balanced Approach for Cannabidiol Use in Chronic Pain
  2. page 167-168 of Healing With CBD
  3. A Balanced Approach for Cannabidiol Use in Chronic Pain
  4. Cannabidiol (CBD)-what we know and what we don’t
  5. The Endocannabinoid System, Our Universal Regulator
  6. Ibid.
  7. Ibid.
  8. Cannabinoids and Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules
  9. Ibid.
  10. What Is Marijuana?
  11. Cannabidiol and Other Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids for Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders: Useful Nutraceuticals?
  12. Cannabinoids and Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules
  13. The Effectiveness of Topical Cannabidiol Oil in Symptomatic Relief of Peripheral Neuropathy of the Lower Extremities
  14. Peripheral Neuropathy: Symptoms & Causes
  15. Page 167 of Healing With CBD
  16. page 167-168 of Healing With CBD
  17. Cannabinoid Delivery Systems for Pain and Inflammation Treatment
  18. Microencapsulation
  19. Ibid.
  20. Healing with CBD page 205
  21. Ibid.
  22. Healing with CBD page 202
  23. Ibid.
  24. page 210 of Healing With CBD
  25. Ibid.
  26. Best way to take CBD
  27. Can vaping damage your lungs? What we do (and don’t) know
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